
Butchering is a sort of skill that allows you to harvest meat from animals successfully. Just as higher leather working skills gets you more skin, higher butchering gets you more meat. To obtain meat, you simply hack it with an axe or fast-working tool. However, that will mean the hide comes in strips and not in a full skin. For obtaining the hide, you need to do the first couple of swings with a knife. Meat does work differently in Legends of an Ancient City, because you don't get, say, three mammal meat. You get one mammal meat, and that can last you a long time. It has amount and it has decay. To prevent decay, you can salt it or apply saltpeter to it. To remove decay, you scrape it off with a knife. However that is a much less efficient way. You can also freeze out the bacteria, or burn it out. Radiation will also work, though it is rare to find such things. Meat can also be minced from there, making a chowder kind of food, which can be used as a topping or eaten by itself. One thing almost vital to your food is cooking it. You need to put it in the right temperature for the right amount of time to prepare it for eating. If you eat it raw, you will almost surely get sick. If it is overcooked, you will not be able to eat it at all. The average temperature is the one in a fire, so set up your spit and start cooking!

Bird meatFish meatMammal meatReptile meat
